Genesis 6 – The Book of Enoch, Part 7

Olivet DiscourseNow as He (Jesus) sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”   Matthew 24:3

The disciples want to know what to watch for. Jesus tells them, giving them a Cliff Notes version of Revelation.

Jesus warns them to be careful not to be taken in by imposters. He predicts wars, famine, and many disasters, but also cautions that this is just a warmup.

Christians will be betrayed by people they thought were friends, because those people took offense at Jesus’ Gospel. Lawlessness will become common and love will grow cold. Things will become so bad that humanity would be extinguished except for His coming.

23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand.

26 “Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it.

We don’t think we could be taken in by great signs and wonders or be deceived by a false Christ. We’re modern folks, familiar with technology. Who could possibly fool us Christians who have been warned?

Friendly AlienWhat if aliens turn out to be real? What if they perform great feats, and then tell us they too know God. What if they tell us that they can bring greater clarity to our understanding of God? Might we not listen in wide-eyed wonder?

What if these aliens are the same fallen Watchers that posed as the Greek gods? Crazy, you say? Has Jeff lost it? It isn’t as crazy as it sounds when you find out that a lot of money has been spent on spotting and photographing UFO’s…by the Roman Catholic Church.

What if the Roman Catholic Church told its followers that these aliens are right, and we should all do as they say? That plan is already in place. See It’s a Real Fight. In it I relate how the Vatican has what they call the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Device at their own observatory. The men who researched the article I reference tell us that…

…they asked “…the Jesuit Father on duty that day (whom we got on film) who told us that among the most important research occurring with the site’s Vatican astronomers is the quest to pinpoint certain extrasolar planets and advanced alien intelligence.”

Indeed, the openness with which the Father discussed UFOs “…stunned us as we sat in the control room, listening to him…speak so casually of the redundancy with which UFOs are captured on screens darting through the heavens…we were shocked at this, how ordinary it seemed to be.”

lucifer_project_21The LUCIFER Device is an infrared telescope that they developed with other agencies, because photos of UFO’s come out better in infrared.

By the way; since this is a Vatican project, couldn’t they have come up with ANY other acronym?

Another Jesuit priest, Guy Consolmagno, shared a private article with them “…in which he admits how contemporary societies will soon ‘look to The Aliens to be the Saviours of humankind.”

He actually uses the story of the Nephilim from GENESIS 6 to present “sound” theology that humans are not the only intelligence created by God. There are likely others who are closer to God than we are.

But the authors weren’t done being shocked by a long run. Imagine their surprise when…

“Observatory director, Father Josè Funes who has gone equally far, suggesting that alien life not only exists in the universe and is ‘our brother’ but will, when manifested, confirm the ‘true’ faith of Christianity and the dominion of Rome.”

arrival-poster-lgThen, in the same interview, Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti “…states this would not immediately oblige the Christian ‘to renounce his own faith in God simply on the basis of the reception of new, unexpected information of a religious character from extraterrestrial civilizations,’ but that such a renunciation could come soon after as the new ‘religious content’ originating from outside the Earth is confirmed as reasonable and credible…(and may require) conducting a re-reading [of the Gospel] inclusive of the new data…’” (emphasis added)

The Vatican apparently believes we will be visited and enlightened by aliens. How different would this be from the ancient Greeks being enlightened by false gods, fallen Watchers? They could lead us down the same paths as those Greeks. We’d continue our current depravity, possibly have it accelerated by “aliens”?

I know this sounds pretty fantastical, but I encourage you to do your own research. Use the links I’ve provided. There truly is an infrared telescope called The LUCIFER Device at the Vatican Observatory. Vatican personnel have said these things. But then also remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24:

36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven,[e] but My Father only. 37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

The days of Noah; complete with Nephilim, human animal hybrids, false gods…the whole enchilada. All of the technology is in place. God has been replaced by anything BUT God. World leaders, including some religious leaders, are prepping us for this path. Refer to the quotations above. Take a look at today’s entertainment. It’s all there.

Do you know what else is working against us? Modern Christianity that goes to church on Sunday, knows the basic bible stories, and leaves it at that. It’s modern Christianity that doesn’t really believe that the supernatural intersects with the physical world in utterly incomprehensible ways. That happened back in Bible times, not in the 21st Century.

Reread this Genesis 6 series. Really take it in; not to immediately accept at face value, perhaps. Just to understand the data. Then look around for yourself.

Genesis 6 – The Book of Enoch, Part 6

Enoch-Sakach-Ph-D-9780934917056Be still… and know that I am God;   Psalm 46:10a

In Part Five I listed a few creatures associated with Greek mythology and the gods. Dionysus in particular had a retinue of human-animal hybrids. Here are some of the other critters populating Greek Mythology:

  • Centaur  – Half-men, half-horse creatures that ran wild and unruly.
  • Cerberus  – The three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades.
  • Chimera  – Part-lion, part-goat, part-snake – all monster.
  • Gorgon – The snake-haired and snake-bodied humanoid that was created in its mother’s image. Its stare could turn a person to stone. Medusa became one of these creatures in a later myth.
  • Griffin  – A creature with the body of a lion, the tail of a snake, and the head and wings of an eagle.
  • Medusa – A disciple of Athena who was turned into a gorgon.  She had the hair of snakes and could turn men to stone with her gaze.
  • Mermaids  – Sea creatures with the head and torso of a woman and the tail of a fish.
  • Minotaur  – The creature with the head and legs of a bull and the torso of a man, who guarded the exit to The Labyrinth.Minotaur
  • Pegasus – Technically the proper name of Bellerophon’s winged horse, which became the general name for winged horses.
  • SatyrSatyr – Half-men, half-goats who were wild and lustful.  The god Pan was one of these.
  • Sphinx – The half-human, half-lion that forces those it meets to answer its riddles, or die.
  • Unicorn  – A magical horse with a single horn on its forehead.

These are the more well-known of the human/animal hybrids that populated Greek mythology. I never considered that might have been real, because as we all know…well, knew…you can’t mix different species together. That has changed in recent years.

Human beings have learned how to mix DNA from different species and create modern-day chimeras. It’s progressed far enough that laws regulating it have already been enacted in the US and Europe. See Animal Human Cross Breeding.

“Several states have already made it a felony to produce mixed species hybrids. It’s only a misdemeanor to simply have one you bought from…somewhere. Probably England. This sort of thing is legal across the pond.”

But that wasn’t the only eye-opener floating around in the news. In Human-Pig Hybrid?? I wrote about how they continued to move along in human/animal hybrid research. The goal is to grow a replacement human pancreas in a pig using stem cells. Then they drop the bomb:

They let the human-pig embryo grow for a month, then remove and dissect it to see how things appear to be developing compared to plan.”

Lead author of the research, Izpisua Belmonte, told Futurism: ‘This is long enough for us to try to understand how the human and pig cells mix together early on without raising ethical concerns about mature chimeric animals.’

Apparently, his ethics are about what it looks like, not what it is. This fits right in with the abortion mentality. ‘It’s in the womb. We can’t see it. It’s an embryo, not a human being.’”

To connect the dots, we as a race are playing around with something that is infinitely beyond our pay grade. This is no different from what the fallen Watchers were doing with humans and about anything else they could get their hands on. They didn’t use modern technology, but they did it. I refer you to the book 23 Minutes in Hell in which Bill Wiese relates how he saw a veritable horror show of creatures in his tour of hell.

DNA-strandThe fallen Watchers didn’t have test tubes and gene sequencers, but they had the secrets of the universe to draw on and the ability, as spirits, take different physical forms. Here are a couple verses from Enoch to tell us about it.

Enoch 17:1-2a – And they took and brought me to a place in which those who were there were like flaming fire, 2and, when they wished, they appeared as men…

Enoch 19:1-3a – And Uriel said to me, “Here stand the angels who have connected themselves with women, and their spirits assuming many different forms are defiling mankind and shall lead them astray into sacrificing to demons as gods, (here they shall stand,) till the great day of judgment in 2which they shall be judged till they are made an end of. And of the women also of the angels who 3went astray shall become sirens.” And I, Enoch, alone saw the vision, the end of all things: and no man shall see as I have seen.

Genesis 6:2 tells us that the fallen Watchers mated with women, producing the Nephilim. They also mated with other animals to produce, in all likelihood, several, if not most, of the mythological hybrids.“…they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish…” Enoch 7:5b.

What does this mean for us? That’s coming up in Part 7.

Connecting the Dots; The Book of Enoch, Part 8

Enoch-Sakach-Ph-D-9780934917056Now as He (Jesus) sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”    Matthew 24:3

Matthew 24 is also known as The Olivet Discourse. The disciples want to know what to watch for.  Jesus tells them, giving what might be called a Cliff Notes version of Revelation.Olivet Discourse

Jesus tells them – and us – to be careful not to be taken in by imposters, claiming to be Him. He predicts wars, famine, and many disasters, but also cautions that this is just a warm-up.

Christians will be betrayed by people they thought were friends, because those people took offense at Jesus’ Gospel. Lawlessness will become common and love will grow cold.  Things will become so bad that humanity would be extinguished except for His coming.

23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand.

26 “Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it.

We don’t think we could be taken in by great signs and wonders or be deceived by a false Christ. We’re modern folks, plenty familiar with technology.  Who could possibly fool us Christians who have been warned and have seen plenty of inventions?

What if it turns out that aliens are real? What if they performs great feats beyond our comprehension, and then tell us they too know God.  What if they tell us that they can bring greater clarity to our understanding of God?  Might not some of us listen in wide-eyed wonder?


LUCIFER is the only acronym they could think of?

What if the Roman Catholic Church told its followers that these aliens are right, and we should all do as they say? Nonsense?  Hardly!  That plan is already in place.  See It’s a Real Fight.  In it I relate how the Vatican has what they call the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Device at their own observatory on Mt. Graham in Arizona.  The men who researched the article I reference tell us that…


…they asked “…the Jesuit Father on duty that day (whom we got on film) who told us that among the most important research occurring with the site’s Vatican astronomers is the quest to pinpoint certain extrasolar planets and advanced alien intelligence.”

Indeed, the openness with which the Father discussed UFOs “…stunned us as we sat in the control room, listening to him…speak so casually of the redundancy with which UFOs are captured on screens darting through the heavens…we were shocked at this, how ordinary it seemed to be.”

The LUCIFER Device is an infrared telescope that they developed with other agencies, because photos of UFO’s come out better in infrared.

Lucifer Device

Engineer Explains LUCIFER Device to the authors


Another Jesuit priest, Guy Consolmagno, shared a private article with them “…in which he admits how contemporary societies will soon ‘look to The Aliens to be the Saviours of humankind.”

He actually uses the story of the Nephilim to present some sound theology that huamsn are not the only intelligence created by God. There are likely other who are closer to God than we are.  Nephilim; weren’t we just talking about them?

But they weren’t done being shocked by a long run. Imagine their surprise when…

“Observatory director, Father Josè Funes who has gone equally far, suggesting that alien life not only exists in the universe and is ‘our brother’ but will, when manifested, confirm the ‘true’ faith of Christianity and the dominion of Rome.”

Then, in the same interview, Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti “…states this would not immediately oblige the Christian ‘to renounce his own faith in God simply on the basis of the reception of new, unexpected information of a religious character from extraterrestrial civilizations,’ but that such a renunciation could come soon after as the new ‘religious content’ originating from outside the Earth is confirmed as reasonable and credible…(and may require) conducting a re-reading [of the Gospel] inclusive of the new data…’” (emphasis added)

So the Vatican apparently believes we will be visited and enlightened by aliens. How different would this be from the ancient Greeks being enlightened by false gods, demons?  What if they start leading us down the same paths as those Greeks and we continue our current depravity, possibly have it accelerated by aliens?

I know this sounds pretty fantastical, but I would encourage you to do your own research. Use the links I’ve provided.  There truly is an infrared telescope called The LUCIFER Device at the Vatican Observatory.  Vatican personnel have said these things.  But then also remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24:

36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven,[e] but My Father only. 37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. 38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39 and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Nephilim SkullThe days of Noah; complete with Nephilim, human animal hybrids, false gods…the whole enchilada. All of the technology is in place.  God has been replaced by anything BUT God.  World leaders, including some religious leaders, are prepping us for this path.  Refer to the quotations above.  Take a look at today’s entertainment.  It’s all there.

And do you know what else is working against us? Modern Christianity that goes to church on Sunday, knows the basic bible stories, and leaves it at that.  It’s modern Christianity that doesn’t really believe that the supernatural intersects with the physical world in utterly incomprehensible ways.  That was back in Bible times, not in the 21st Century.

Reread the series. Really take it in; not to immediately accept at face value, perhaps.  Just to understand the data.  Then look around for yourself.  Gather data for yourself.  Then?

Connect the dots.

Connecting the Dots; The Book of Enoch, Part 4

Enoch-Sakach-Ph-D-9780934917056And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.   Genesis 3:15

We know the fallen angels lusted after human women. This also fits into Satan’s plan of battle with God.  Remember that God had a little chit-chat with Adam, Eve, and the Serpent.  God makes two critical statements in setting the course of history and His plan of salvation.  He refers to Eve’s seed and Satan’s seed.

eveandserpentWe know that, ultimately, Eve’s seed is Jesus, but that includes everyone in between too, right? Here’s the real question.  Who is Satan’s seed?  There are several possibilities, none of which are necessarily mutually exclusive.

The Anti-Christ of Revelation is often referred to as the son of Satan. Whether that’s a literal description or an honorary title of sorts is open to guesses.  No one has been able to find him yet let alone define his parentage.  Still, it’s possible.

I pose the question of whether the Nephilim might be considered the seed of Satan. Recall that they are the offspring of fallen angels and human women.  They certainly play into Satan’s plans to attempt to thwart God’s redemption plan.  Satan’s seed and Eve’s seed have contended ever since, starting most notably when the Israelites entered the Promised Land after 40 years in the wilderness.  Given also that Satan and his minions hate humanity as much as God loves them, anything they can do to see us damned or at least suffering here on earth is nothing if not gravy for them.

That being gravy, what’s the underlying purpose for Satan? If he corrupts the entire human stock, there will be no pure humans to produce a sinless Christ, both God and man.  Christ had to be the new Adam, so he had to be of Adam’s human stock.  Hence the proscription to the Children of Israel not to inter-marry with the current inhabitants of the Promised Land.

What was the purpose in getting into every species on earth? I can’t help quoting Alfred from the Batman trilogy: “Some people just want to watch the world burn.”  That seems to go double or more for demons.

Remember that God decided to use The Flood to destroy “all flesh.” Not just humanity, but all living things.  Why all life?

An answer to this question lies both in The Book of Enoch and a modern book, 23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Wiese.  This is the story of the author’s trip to hell, courtesy of God.  God prefers using carrots in bringing humanity to salvation, but He’s not above using a stick.  Remember all of the choices He gave the Israelites in the wilderness; “I set before you today a blessing and a curse.”

The message to Wiese was that God wants to re-introduce humanity to the stick of hell. What better way to do that than to take someone there, filter the pain so as not to destroy him, and then have him tell his story.  And, by the way, there is a whole community of people he discovered who have had the same experience.

The critical part of 23 Minutes in Hell for the purposes of this article is his description of rising through a large shaft, leading away from hell.  He saw demons of every shape and size, from insects to giants:

Demons…I noticed that I was standing in the middle of a cave. The wall wrapped around me and led to the vast expanse of the pit.  As I looked at the walls, I saw that they were covered with thousands of hideous creatures.  These demonic creatures were all sizes and shapes.  Some of them had four legs and were the size of bears.  Other stood upright and were about the size of gorillas.  They were all terribly grotesque and disfigured.  It looked as though their flesh had been decomposing and all their limbs were twisted out of proportion.  Some displayed immense, long arms or abnormally large feet.  They seemed to me to be the living dead.  There were also gigantic rats and huge spiders at least three feet wide and two or three feet high.  I also saw snakes and worms, ranging from small to enormously large.

Enoch notes how the giants also sinned against all flesh, not just humanity. It looks as though they sired off-spring in just about every corner of the animal kingdom.  While not stating such explicitly, Enoch writes that  “…they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish…” Enoch 7:5b.

First, why would God feel the need to destroy “all flesh?” Second, Where did that whole spectrum of creatures come from in 23 Minutes in Hell?  The answer to both question is one in the same, and we’re getting closer to that answer.

Next – When the Bible talks about God being revered “above all gods,” just whom were they talking about?

Connecting the Dots; The Book of Enoch, Part 3

Enoch-Sakach-Ph-D-9780934917056There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.   Genesis 6:4

This brings me back to a theme I’ve sounded before; The Olivet Discourse, otherwise known as Matthew 24. Jesus did not say that all they needed to know was that they were saved when the disciples asked Jesus about the future and end times.  He gave them a Cliff Notes version of Revelation.  He warned them – and us – that the last days will be like those in Noah’s time before The Flood.

Fortunately, we can see just what was happening at that time in Genesis 6. It gives us the broad brushstrokes of what those days were like.  The Book of Enoch gives us a great deal of detail.  I believe it is an authentic work even though many doubt that.


“There were giants in the earth…”


First, it brings detail to the beginnings of the Nephilim and names the angels that decided to sin against God. Enoch describes the immense size of the Nephilim, the fact that humans fed them, and that the Nephilim started eating them and each other when supplies ran out.  They became cannibals.

And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against 5them and devoured mankind.    Enoch 7: 4b-5a

Now here is an extra-Biblical dot to connect. Giant skeletons have been found in abundance in North America as well as around the world.  Most of these stay within the twenty foot height, but there are some outliers stretching much taller than that.

Along with this is the oral history of the North American Indians which tells of a giant race of cannibals who came from the west. Their history says that they arrived about 2500 years before Columbus or about 1000 BC.  These giants were extremely violent and cannibalistic.  What is also interesting is that Indians describe them as having six fingers and toes and double rows of teeth.  This matches perfectly with the archeological record of skeletons that have been found here and around the world.  It also matches the descriptions of the giants in Canaan, specifically King Og and Goliath’s brothers.  See the following excerpts from articles about a few of these finds.

After a time, and having endured the outrages of these giants, it is said that the people banded together, and through the final force of about 800 warriors, successfully annihilated all of the abhorrent Ronnongwetowanca people. After that, it was said that there were no giants anywhere. This was supposed to have happened around 2,500 winters before Columbus discovered America, i.e. around 1000 B.C.E.-the time that the Adena seem to have arrive in the Ohio Valley.   (2000 Ross Hamilton, Computer Images ©2000 Patricia Mason.  All rights reserved.)

And –

Giant Skeleton…these skeletons had heights which ranged from 7.6 feet up to 10 feet and the skulls were much bigger than the heads of any type of person who lived inside America today. The story also said the skulls had double rows of teeth, six toes on each foot and six fingers on each hand… In 2002, National Geographic did a report on 12 skeletons that were supposedly discovered in Greece. They were measured at heights between 12 to 15 feet tall. (From Giant Human Skeletons Discovered in Wisconsin?  By Kimberly Ruble on February 4, 2014)

Another find just south of Lake Erie in northern Ohio:

Later, in 1878, another discovery in the county of Ashtabula County, Ohio. Mounds were excavated on land belonging to Peleg Sweet, a man of large features. In the first mound, they unearthed a skull and jaw which were of such size that the skull would cover Sweet’s head and the jaw could be easily slipped over his face. Excavating further, they discovered these mounds contained the graves estimated between two and three thousand. Many of the skeletons found were of gigantic proportions.   (From Giants of Ohio and the Mound Builders by Mary Sutherland, author of Living in the Light)

Finally –

During the past few years a huge controversy has emerged accusing the Smithsonian (and a host of skeptics and archaeologists) of covering up the discovery of hundreds of giant skeletons from Native American Indian mounds. Jim Vieira is one of the key people who began uncovering hundreds of newspaper accounts of giant skeletons after he became intrigued by his visits to stone chambers found primarily in northeastern states. To date, Vieira has pulled together about 1,500 accounts from newspapers and books published in the 1800s and early 1900s. The newspaper stories relate that the skeletons ranged in size from 7 feet to well over 18 feet in length. (From The truth about giant skeletons in American Indian mounds, and the Smithsonian cover-up)

Another interesting tidbit is that of the stereotypical Indian greeting.  We’ve all seen it; right hand raised and a solemn “How!” resonates from the Indian.

Indian Hand Greeting

“How” Many Fingers?

We were always told that this greeting showed a stranger that they were unarmed and not a danger. That sounded good until I started learning about the giants in North America.  This interpretation holds no water.  Indians always carried a weapon of some sort, whether a knife as a tool to a tomahawk or bow and arrow.  Any of these could be worn at the waist or slung over a shoulder, so an empty hand means nothing.


The giants were not always freakishly tall, but they were all very violent and cannibalistic.   The one way an Indian could show someone that he was not one of THOSE guys, was to show that he had only five fingers.


So there are a couple dots connected for you.

Coming up; just how carried away did the fallen angels get in ruining humans and the earth?

Giants Today and Yesterday

2 Samuel 21 – 20 And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant.

Have you ever read something in the Bible, but then couldn’t find it? It was something you hadn’t run into before, and You want to show it to someone else, but it seemingly disappeared.

That happened to me a few months ago regarding David & Goliath. The story itself was easy enough to find.  The part I was looking for was about Goliath’s brothers.  I’ll bet you didn’t know he had brothers documented in the Bible did you?  Me neither.  Four brothers, five sons altogether.  All were giants.

Last January I wrote a four part series on giants, Old Testament Slaughters, etc. The series starts out describing how the Canaanites were giants.  Israel’s spies reported that they didn’t think they could be defeated.  Those giants are what we now call the Nephilim.

Giants skeletons have been found around the world. Go ahead and google it.  You’ll find some old newspaper articles from the 1800’s among other items.  I can recall an instance from Ohio, Sandusky county, as I recall.  A foundation was being dug for a new schoolhouse.  They unearthed a giant skeleton, which had six fingers and toes and double rows of teeth.  This is a common trait among these giant skeletons.

Native American Indians have an oral history going back eons before Columbus arrived here. They were cannibals, fierce, usually gigantic, but not necessarily, and, regardless of size, they characteristically had six fingers and toes for each hand or foot.  This, they say, is what gave rise to the custom of raising a hand when meeting a stranger.  It was not to show that they held no weapon, which is silly if you think about it.  They always carried weapons, whether for hunting, self-defense, or war.  No, they held up their hand to show they only had five fingers.

How big were the giants of the bible? Let’s take a look at Goliath and his brothers.

“Goliath, of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span. That’s 9.6 feet tall.

And he had an helmet of brass upon his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail; and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of brass. That’s 126 pounds.

“…his spear’s head weighed six hundred shekels of iron.” Just the point of the spear without the shaft was 15 pounds.  For a comparison, a men’s Olympic shotput weighs 16 pounds.  The 1990 Olympic record is 75 feet.   But add a heavy wood shaft and see what happens.

Goliath’s four brothers were killed by Israelites in one of the last battles David ever fought in. It is recorded in 2 Samuel 21.

16 And Ishbibenob, which was of the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear weighed three hundred shekels of brass…”  Smaller than Goliath’s, his spear weighed 7.5 pounds.

Saph was another brother, but no statistics are recorded for him.

The last two brothers are mentioned as being Goliath’s brothers, but their names are absent. One of them had a spear “like a weaver’s beam,” which is how Goliath’s spear was described.  The last brother is who the verse at the top is about.

22 These four were born to the giant in Gath, and fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his servants.

Why am I writing about giants…again? Like I  said, I finally found that verse I was looking for.  I also think it’s very important to recognize that the Bible reflects real history.  Evidence of it can be found around the world, if you just know your Bible and you educate yourself on the world we live in.

If you want to check out the series from earlier this year, go to

It’s a Real Fight

Ephesians 6:12

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

Matthew 24:24

“For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”

I have two points I’d like everyone to consider before getting into this.

First, this information is years old.  My eldest daughter keeps sniggering at me, because I’m so far behind the curve on all of this stuff.  She’s been aware for years, but never wanted to get into with me.  I’ve always said that Conspiracy Theorists are a bunch of loons.  Facts, however, are facts.  It’s impossible to deny documented information and direct quotes.

Second, this all has to do with the Vatican and their role in the UFO and alien topic. I personally have serious doubts about the leadership in Rome when the Pope came out not long ago in favor of evolution.  Why evolution is anti-biblical is outside the scope of what I want to cover here.  Suffice it to say that both the geologic record and theology disprove evolution conclusively.

I wrote on the geologic record in 2014. Here’s the link, if you want at least the geologic reasons evolution isn’t supported by the fossil record:

In short, I’m extremely leery of the Roman Catholic church at the top. I am in no way am questioning the Christianity of Roman Catholics, their sincerity, or their salvation.  Not my job.  If their beliefs are in line with scripture, who am I to argue otherwise?

Here we go –

This is a summary of an article about the L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Device, owned at least in part by the Vatican, operated by the Vatican right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson. Obviously, it’s an acronym for the descriptive name it was given.  It isn’t a perfect match, and my first question has to be, “Couldn’t they have come up with just about any other name?!?”

To my first caveat above, the article came out 1/29/2013.

The authors visited said observatory to learn more about the facility, the Lucifer Device, and generally what the Vatican’s interest is in outer space. Their first stop was the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope or VATT.  The VATT is seven stories high!  Not exactly your backyard telescope.

“The primary mirror is so deeply-dished that the focus of the telescope is only as far above the mirror as the mirror is wide, thus allowing a structure that is about three times as compact as the previous generation of telescope designs.”

That’s the technical way of saying it’s state of the art and can see a damn long ways into space.

They asked “…the Jesuit Father on duty that day (whom we got on film) who told us that among the most important research occurring with the site’s Vatican astronomers is the quest to pinpoint certain extrasolar planets and advanced alien intelligence.”


Indeed, the openness with which the Father discussed UFOs “…stunned us as we sat in the control room, listening to him…speak so casually of the redundancy with which UFOs are captured on screens darting through the heavens…we were shocked at this, how ordinary it seemed to be.”

They also had an interview with Jesuit priest, Guy Consolmagno. Guy often acts the Vatican’s spokesman.  He is a leading astronomer and has “…worked at NASA and taught at Harvard and MIT…”

Bypassing all of the blah-blah-blah and cutting to the chase, Consolmagno shared with them a private article in pdf, “…in which he admits how contemporary societies will soon ‘look to The Aliens to be the Saviours of humankind.’”

He actually uses the story of the Nephilim from Genesis to present a theologically sound position that humans are not the only intelligence created by God. The authors’ reaction?

“Did the Vatican’s top astronomer actually mean to use the story of the Nephilim from the Bible as an example of the kind of “space saviors” man could soon look to for salvation?”

That’s a pretty wild thing to even hint at! The Nephilim (giants) described in Genesis were the product of fallen angels bastardizing the human gene pool.  The goal?  Ruin the line to Eve’s Seed and thence salvation.  They are the reason given for the Flood and the Israel’s reluctance to conquer Canaan when God said to.

How would the fallen angels and their evil offspring become mankind’s saviour?

“Observatory director, Father Josè Funes who has gone equally far, suggesting that alien life not only exists in the universe and is ‘our brother’ but will, when manifested, confirm the ‘true’ faith of Christianity and the dominion of Rome.”

True faith?!? I seem to recall Jesus being quoted as saying. “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No man comes to the Father but by me.”  Call me crazy, but He spoke in first Person singular.  No room for adding in additional saviours and information.

As the authors dug deeper, questioned more, and followed up, they were told “…how some Vatican theologians accept the possibility that an extraterrestrial species may exist that is morally superior to men—closer to God than we fallen humans are—and that, as a consequence, they may come here to evangelize us. Father Guy Consolmagno took up this same line of thinking…in his book, Brother Astronomer: Adventures of a Vatican Scientist…”

Weird enough for you yet? Can you imagine being required to renounce your faith in favor of a more enlightened understanding from those evangelizing aliens?  Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti can.

The good Father is an Opus Dei theologian of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome.

“Giuseppe states this would not immediately oblige the Christian ‘to renounce his own faith in God simply on the basis of the reception of new, unexpected information of a religious character from extraterrestrial civilizations,’ but that such a renunciation could come soon after as the new ‘religious content’ originating from outside the Earth is confirmed as reasonable and credible…(and may require) conducting a re-reading [of the Gospel] inclusive of the new data…’”  (emphasis added)

And, according to former Vatican Observatory vice director, Christopher Corbally –

“…While Christ is the First and the Last Word (the Alpha and the Omega) spoken to humanity, he is not necessarily the only word spoke to the universe…”  (emphasis added)

Which brings us to the reason for The Lucifer Device.

“LUCIFER is curiously described on the Vatican Observatory website as ‘NASA AND THE VATICAN’S INFRARED TELESCOPE CALLED [LUCIFER]—A German built, NASA and The Vatican owned and funded Infrared Telescope… for looking at NIBIRU/NEMESIS.’… Nibiru and Nemesis are hypothetical planets that supposedly return in orbit close to the earth after very long periods of time. They have been connected in modern myth with ‘Planet X’.”

Lucifer is an infrared telescope. Why would someone want that?  Some UFOs cannot be seen with the naked eye; only infrared.  We only ever see camera phone videos on TV and YouTube.  They are shaky, unfocused, and rarely definitive.  However, “…some of the most astonishing UFOs ever caught on film have been recorded with infrared.”

So the Vatican is interested in UFOs and aliens. It is prepared to accept a different, “enlightened” gospel from what they had been entrusted with.  Further, they are willing to compel the faithful to renounce their faith in favor of an “alien’s” story, it’s enlightened version of God and the Bible.

If you want to see the whole article with much more detail, here is the link:

For further information, following is a list of articles with their links and some key quotes from each.

ALIEN LIFE FULL DISCLOSURE VATICAN & NASA NOW TALKING (2012);_ylt=AwrBT9G78k1X.LQA2EBXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA2Noci15aWUxMQRncHJpZAMxcG5qM29NdVFrNjlLYmpaS3RuVE1BBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwMzBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzIxBHF1ZXJ5A3ZhdGljYW4lMjBvbiUyMGFsaWVucwR0X3N0bXADMTQ2NDcyNjQ1OA–?p=vatican+on+aliens&fr2=sb-top-search&fr=chr-yie11

“Allow science to lead us…without going into it with ideology.”

How would it change the church’s teaching?

“Maybe our understanding of perennial truths needs to be updated…How God created…it’s not about the question of original sin, the Adam & Eve story, but how that played out.”

We have to make sure that science is not in some way ideologically driven. We have to make sure that religion and faith are not ideologically driven.  Faith and reason go together.”  Father Jonathon  Morris on Fox News.

Vatican Astronomers Believe In Aliens by Elliot Hill;_ylt=AwrBT9G78k1X.LQA2EBXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA2Noci15aWUxMQRncHJpZAMxcG5qM29NdVFrNjlLYmpaS3RuVE1BBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwMzBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzIxBHF1ZXJ5A3ZhdGljYW4lMjBvbiUyMGFsaWVucwR0X3N0bXADMTQ2NDcyNjQ1OA–?p=vatican+on+aliens&fr2=sb-top-search&fr=chr-yie11

“Who says religion can’t adapt and change with the times, eh?”

Father Jose Funes, Dir of Vatican Observatory in Rome – “It is probably there was life and perhaps a form of intelligent life…I don’t think we’ll ever meet a Mr. Spock.”

“The Pope is recognizing change and he’s recognizing science…need to make religion and Catholicism relevant.” This is about the growing secularization of society. It’s about survival.

Vatican’s man says Aliens exist & describes them – 2014;_ylt=AwrBT9G78k1X.LQA2EBXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA2Noci15aWUxMQRncHJpZAMxcG5qM29NdVFrNjlLYmpaS3RuVE1BBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwMzBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzIxBHF1ZXJ5A3ZhdGljYW4lMjBvbiUyMGFsaWVucwR0X3N0bXADMTQ2NDcyNjQ1OA–?p=vatican+on+aliens&fr2=sb-top-search&fr=chr-yie11

What would you say to those who say aliens are already around us?

We can’t think any longer whether it’s true or false…These beings are real. We can’t have doubts.

Aliens in the Vatican;_ylt=AwrBT9G78k1X.LQA2EBXNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA2Noci15aWUxMQRncHJpZAMxcG5qM29NdVFrNjlLYmpaS3RuVE1BBG5fcnNsdAMwBG5fc3VnZwMzBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzIxBHF1ZXJ5A3ZhdGljYW4lMjBvbiUyMGFsaWVucwR0X3N0bXADMTQ2NDcyNjQ1OA–?p=vatican+on+aliens&fr2=sb-top-search&fr=chr-yie11

Giants Old Testament Slaughter Greek Gods Bigfoot and Technology Part 1

Deceiving the Elect

23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand.   Matthew 24:23-24

This is one of those topics that get the eye rolls or silent stares out the window, waiting for me to switch back to the weather. Just how Satan likes it.  But give it a listen and follow the links for detail.

Short version; aliens and bigfoot are real. How can I be so sure?  Worldwide sightings going back hundreds of years – before mass communications – bear witness that they exist.  Think.  If so many people in all parts of the world report the same phenomenon going back centuries, does a coordinated practical joke sound plausible?  We’re so wrapped up into empirical knowledge we refuse to see what is right before us for lack of a picture or a chart.

If you read my series, “Giants, Old Testament Slaughter, Greek Gods, Bigfoot, and Technology,” it all starts with the fallen angels and Nephilim described in Genesis. The goal was to pollute the human gene pool, thwarting God’s plan to send His Son to be the perfect Sacrifice for our sins.

To also lead humanity astray, they impersonated gods and brought people different sorts of technology; metal-working, etc. This is where the myths of Greek gods originate.  Pan?  Minotaurs?  Other human/animal hybrids of ancient myth?  These were cross breeding activities by the fallen angels.

This last I couldn’t get my head around. Species are not supposed to be able to interbreed, right?  That’s what I thought until I saw an article about scientists producing a modern day chimera (generic term for multi-species hybrids).  This from the London Financial Times: “Petri-dish magic cultivates a modern chimera.”  You would have to subscribe to read that one, so here is a link to a parallel article:

I saw a clip from a British news show reporting on how England has decided creating human/animal hybrids is legal while many European countries have banned it.  There are a handful of states that have made it a felony to create one and a misdemeanor to buy one.  Obviously, legislative bodies have been aware of this long enough to start enacting laws concerning it.

On to UFO’s and aliens. These are all about extra-terrestrial cultures that can, and perhaps have brought advanced technology to earth.  The transistor, processor chips, night vision, etc.  These are all technology that a number of people have, in their later years, come forward to confess their involvement in.  I’m not talking about people who come across like crackpots.  Mostly I’m thinking of Philip J. Corso.  He has quite a pedigree.

From Wikipedia: “After joining the Army in 1942, Corso served in Army Intelligence in Europe, becoming chief of the US Counter Intelligence Corps in Rome. In 1945, Corso arranged for the safe passage of 10,000 Jewish World War II refugees out of Rome to the British Mandate of Palestine. He was the personal emissary to Giovanni Battista Montini at the Vatican, later Pope Paul VI, during the period when the “Nazi Rat Lines” were most active. …During the Korean War (1950–1953), Corso performed intelligence duties under General Douglas MacArthur as Chief of the Special Projects branch of the Intelligence Division, Far East Command.

“…Corso was on the staff of President Eisenhower‘s National Security Council for four years (1953–1957). In 1961, he became Chief of the Pentagon‘s Foreign Technology desk in Army Research and Development, working under Lt. Gen. Arthur Trudeau.

“In his book The Day After Roswell (co-author William J. Birnes) claims he stewarded extraterrestrial artifacts recovered from a crash near Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.

Those fallen angels can’t quite get away with impersonating Greek gods anymore, but what if they came as aliens who want to share their advanced technology for the good of mankind? The theory is that we have been getting prepped to accept their arrival between movies, literature, and elusive UFO sightings.  This may well be how Satan plans to “…deceive, if possible, even the elect.”

I wrote my series noted above last January. Then this past week I see a flashback article about Bill Clinton talking aliens with Jimmy Kimmel in 2014.  Here is an excerpt from that interview.

“If we were visited someday I wouldn’t be surprised,” Clinton said. “I just hope it’s not like ‘Independence Day.'”

Clinton went on to discuss some of the potential benefits to an alien invasion, framing his argument around the 1996 sci-fi disaster movie.

“It may be the only way to unite this increasingly divided world of ours … think about all the differences among people of Earth would seem small if we feel threatened by a space invader,” Clinton said.

“That’s the whole theory of ‘Independence Day. Everybody gets together and makes nice.”

Bill Clinton on Jimmy Kimmel 4/3/14

Combine that with accounts of the Bushes, Clinton, and Obama, among others, being part of the Bohemian Grove organization in California, and you suddenly see them all on the same side. For those of you who don’t know, the Bohemian Grove is where government and business power players plan on how they want to direct and control the world.  They worship a demon in the form of a giant stone owl, Molech, and perform satanic rites.  Nixon had gone there but hated it for all of the homosexual activity.  Reagan had also attended, but a witness said he looked very uncomfortable there.  Arnold Schwarzenegger has been seen coming to the area during gatherings.

I know. If you look at each of these apparently singular topics in isolation, each one looks like someone’s choo-choo has jumped the rails.  I invite you to look at the arc of history, from Genesis accounts of giants and fallen angels to the giants of Canaan to discoveries of giant skeletons in our time, bigfoot, aliens, a tech explosion right after Roswell, and now a world leader talking aliens.

Jesus warned us in Matthew 24 to watch for signs of the end times. It definitely pays to study your Bible past the familiar Bible stories, but we must also scour world events to hold up to prophecy and do our best to not be deceived…even the elect!

For more detail on the relationships of these topics, look at my series at

Also see these other sources for additional information.:

Giants, Old Testament Slaughter, Greek Gods, Bigfoot, and Technology – Part 4

The debate over what really happened at Roswell, NM continues today. While guesses abound, there are enough witnesses for that occurrence and others to truly give one pause.  And I should point out that I’ve always been a conservative.  I’ve never gotten into conspiracy theories, government plots, etc.  It’s only in the last year I’ve come across all of this and gotten enough information to change my mind on a lot of it.

So Roswell gave us a real UFO with real, advanced technology, and there has been a very closely held cabal of people controlling the information and gradually introducing new tech into our society. The guy who did most all of it at the start was Philip J. Corso.

There are supporters and detractors on anyone in Lt. Colonel Corso’s position. I’ve looked at a few.  They tend to viciousness, which makes me wonder about the reviewers.  I’d say the most honest assessment comes from this sidebar to another article:

“Although some investigators reject Corso’s claims, there can be no doubt about his credentials. After joining the Army in 1942, he served in Army Intelligence in Europe. During the Korean War, he continued his Intelligence duties under General Douglas MacArthur. He rounded out an impressive resume with four years on President Dwight Eisenhower’s national security staff.

The main criticism about his book is that there is a lack of references to documents, which, in my opinion does not necessarily make his claims false. With the reputation that Corso had, and his clearances, it seems highly likely to me that he would have been in a position to see what he saw.”

I’ll leave it to you to Google Philip J. Corso. There is plenty out there on him.  I found an online posting of his book, The Day After Roswell and copied it to make sure I had it and could read it when not online.  The link has since been disabled.  Fortunately for you, it was published in 1997, and the book can still be found online for purchase.  And I can give you the link to the book on Amazon:

The book is his story about how, after being assigned to the Pentagon, he was called into his boss’s office. He was handing over to Corso all documents and artifacts concerning the Roswell spaceship crash.  It came in the form of a large, heavy, secure filing cabinet.  Corso details how he came to introduce these ”prototypes” to trusted defense contractors for reverse engineering.  So Corso was the origin of a number of different “alien” technologies that we now find so familiar; night vision, various sensing devices now common on military aircraft, etc.

One example is a sensing device that has been around for many years. It is part of a fighter jet package that can not only spot enemy aircraft at distance, but identify what type by counting how many fan blades are visible at the inlet of the engine.  Mind you, these engines are spinning at 5000+ rpm!  Let that sink in a moment, and you’ll realize what incredible and weird stuff has come along.

And this is just the stuff we’re allowed to know about. Some believe technology being held back at this time is decades beyond what we are aware of.  You might be skeptical of that, but let’s take a look at an aircraft which was in service with the USAF starting in 1964.

The SR-71 Blackbird. No aircraft since has matched its speed records.  It was made to leak fuel.  Why?  It flew so fast that engineers had to allow room for the expansion of components due to friction-generated heat when it flew at speed (Mach 3+. Actual top speed is still classified).  Turning radius at upper end speeds was measured in hundreds of miles.  It would leave a trail of fuel as it taxied to the runway.

I’m not aware of any evidence that the SR-71 can be traced to Roswell, but the exotic materials needed to operate in such a high speed environment beg the question of where we got the idea to use them. And this was the early 60’s.  It was a huge leap in technology from existing aircraft.

OK; enough examples. Back to the Corso narrative

Corso ended up nick-naming this cabinet of curiosities the Nut File. After all, what would an earthling call such a collection of technology?  Like I said, Google around on any of this stuff.  I know you will find a lot of sources to consider.

Following are the primary sources I’ve based this series on, though not by any means the only ones I’ve read over the past year. I’ve delayed doing this for a while just because it’s all so hard to take in.

The article is a decent treatise on Nephilim and bloodlines. The three videos have good information.  Production values are lousy, and the author isn’t a great speaker, but the information is there.  “Nephilim Here Again” is well-produced and provides a pretty well-encapsulated overview.

There is a lot of material on these topics around the internet. There’s a lot that I don’t buy into.  I look at everything as being in one of three categories.  1) Undeniable, fact-based, dispassionate presentations by professionals (scientists, engineers, etc.) that compel acceptance.  2) Emotional, sensational, over the top rantings that are clearly unsupported and intellectually unsound.  3) People who are not professional, have little or no education, but are intelligent and have figured things out.  In substance, they could fit in category 1.  In style and presentation they can look like category 2.  Whatever you read or watch, be discerning.


VIDEO: Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Nephilim Here Again:

One more source: I discussed this series with a friend who pointed me to a video on YouTube by Trey Smith. Search his name on YouTube and look for his video about Nephilim.  Believe it or not, I had already finished this series when my friend sent me the link to this.  I was happily surprised that someone else came up with the same theories.  I was trying to put together a lot of disparate readings.  Now here’s a video on it with a lot of detail.  By the way; this guy comes across kind of like option 3 above.  His style is a bit out there and he puts a ton of production in the video.  Just listen to him and you’ll see he’s done his homework.

Giants, Old Testament Slaughter, Greek Gods, Bigfoot, and Technology – Part 3

It’s time to talk about UFOs and aliens.

First, I recall reading decades ago that many in the Christian community theorized that, if UFOs and aliens do indeed exist, they must be demons or some such in order to perform the incredible maneuvers and appearance of UFOs. It was explained this way: UFOs move with incredible speed, appear and disappear, and even change shape.  How could any of this be possible unless whatever is causing these sights is four dimensional?

To demonstrate this idea, let’s say we are aware of a two dimensional world with living beings. Let’s further say that their world seems to us like a sheet of paper.  Remember, they are two dimensional.  As long as we don’t intersect their world, they cannot see us.  But if we stick our finger through that “sheet of paper,” they will see the sudden appearance of their version of a UFO.  We could move our finger around the sheet with what would look to them as impossible speed, changing direction in defiance of the laws of physics.  In fact, we could change the shape of that UFO from circle to oval just by tilting our finger.  The two dimensional beings would be going nuts trying to explain this, while we laugh at the joke.  All because we have one more dimension of existence.

Let’s say the spiritual, unseen world for us is a fourth dimension (right, I know the fourth dimension is time, but allow me this analogy). We don’t know it’s inhabitants are around until they enter our three dimensional world, intersecting it in (to us) mind-numbing ways.  The question that necessarily comes after this is…WHY?

I can think of three reasons. First, Satan doesn’t need you to believe in him.  He just needs you to opt out of believing in Jesus.  Anything that can detract pushes us in that direction.  It introduces the question of biblical accuracy.  Nothing about aliens in the Bible.  We might start wondering about that and whether the Bible is all that accurate.  Maybe God created other worlds.  Maybe Jesus is just a real man; nothing more.

Second, we’re not likely to buy into Greek gods in this day and age. We are, though, saps for science fiction and outer space.  What could be cooler (more tempting) than to find out it’s all REAL?!?  Our focus continues to shift away from God and toward the exciting prospect of aliens amongst us.  So, instead of coming to us as Greek Gods, they come to us as aliens in fantastic UFOs.

I for one sometimes catch myself thinking how interesting and exciting it would be to see an alien or a bigfoot. Then I have to remind myself that these are agents of Satan.  Was I really contemplating how cool it would be see one?  Jeffrey!  Snap out of it!

Third, introduction of technology. Recall that the Book of Enoch lists the different types of technology that different fallen angels gave to mankind.  This is technology that is employed in conflict/wars.  But today it also is doing something else; it’s a possible means of tracking and controlling populations.

You’ve likely heard of how RFID tags are already available for pets. There’s talk of using them in people for identification, monetary transactions, etc.  In fact, there are now circuit tattoos that will allow you to do the actions above, plus control other stuff in our lives.  I’m sure you’re already thinking about The Mark of the Beast foretold in Revelations.

I recently saw a video about people having an actual mini-computer surgically implanted into their forearms. To get around FDA approvals, the procedures are done without anesthetic.  On top of that, there are reports of psychological side effects suffered by recipients as they work to convince themselves it’s OK to feel this thing interacting with and inside of them.  While it is connected to their nervous system, the box sits on the outside.  This is done so you can easily open the box and introduce upgraded software cards.  Am I making this all up?

The point is that incredible technology – almost entirely in electronics – has mushroomed like an atomic bomb in just the last 100 years or so. The solid state circuit replaced vacuum tubes overnight.  Microchips took a bit longer, but not much.  Where did all of this originate?  Roswell.

Next up: The Technology BOOM!