End Times Signs?

“Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. 29 So you also, when you see these things happening, know that it is near—at the doors!     Mark 13:28-29

Thousands of Japanese Protest the WHO, WEF, Bill Gates, and Vaccines.  So says the 4/15 article on Slay News.  You might recall my most recent article The WEF and You on 4/8.  It isn’t just a lone website, The Vigilant Citizen, who has a problem with the WEF.  Japanese citizens aren’t too happy with them or the WHO and Bill Gates.  Why?

I like the snake…

The WHO (World Health Organization) is pushing all countries into signing a Global Pandemic Treaty.  Slay News explains:

…the Pandemic Treaty will grant the WHO, and its parent agency the United Nations, with sweeping global powers that override the laws of individual nations.

Under the treaty, the WHO will be able to enforce global lockdowns and other measures in the event of an “emergency” such as a pandemic or “climate change.”

After declaring an “emergency,” the WHO would have the power to roll out vaccine mandates, “climate lockdowns,” food rationing, travel recitations, mass censorship, and more.

It will essentially empower the UN to act as a single global government.

You be trippin’, Joe!!

All 193 UN member states – which includes Japan, the United States, and most other Western nations – are expected to sign the treaty next month.

Not only is the United States planning to sign the treaty, but it was Democrat President Joe Biden who urged the WHO to move forward with the plan in 2022.

Japanese protestors “demanded answers on crucial issues, such as the huge spikes in excess deaths and the lack of transparency on the adverse effects following vaccinations.”

AND also on Slay News, the WEF is Pushing for Digital IDs to Enforce Vaccination Compliance.  From the article:

Specifically, the WEF wants people to prove that they’ve received certain vaccines before they can access the so-called metaverse. The metaverse is an emerging virtual reality version of the Internet where people can “live,” work, buy items, “meet with friends,” and access social media. It is widely regarded as the next evolution of the Internet.


Not only that, The WEF Calls for 24-Hour Monitoring of the Public.

Chipping us like their pets…

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is pushing for the “24-hour monitoring” of the general public using “biometric sensors—on, or even inside their bodies.”

Details of the plan were revealed by Yuval Noah Harari, a senior advisor to the WEF and its founder Klaus Schwab.

According to Harari, a self-described “transhumanist” who is credited as the architect behind the WEF’s anti-human agenda, tracking the public 24/7 will help globalists provide them with “much better healthcare.”

The last time I heard people using healthcare this vaguely it was Planned Parenthood talking about killing babies.

Tell me if you see what I see.  There are three indicators of the end times happening right now.  Pieces are gradually being put in place to create a one-world government, with the UN seemingly at the top of that food chain.  1) There’s a treaty in play for all governments to surrender their sovereignty under loosely defined conditions as interpreted by the WEF and UN.  2) Technology already exists to CHIP people just like we already do to our pets.  It’ll be adapted to not just ID us but to monitor our activities.  Such a program is already in its infancy in China.  3) Israel is warring with her Arab neighbors, not unlike end times as described by the prophets and Revelation.

The pieces are being arranged as we watch for the last piece to pull it all together – the anti-Christ, who will use this framework to rule all and bring peace temporarily.  He will negotiate a seven-year treaty between Israel and her enemies, but he will break that piece precisely halfway in.  That will be the beginning of the Great Tribulation.

Do you agree with me on the significance of these developments?  I really do want to know if you agree with me or if you have other thoughts on these things!

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