No Excuses!

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,    Romans 1:20 NKJV

Let’s get back to basics. God made everything that exists, and He did it through Jesus per John 1:1-5:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend[a] it.

This is clearly a world that did not happen by accident. From the microscopic to farther than we can see with our best telescopes, the universe is a thing of such complexity that an open-eyed look at any piece of it screams “Intelligent Design!”


All Had to Happen at Once!


I reviewed a book last year, DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral.  Click on the title to see a recap on the series.  Our bodies are an amazing piece of electrochemical engineering.  Once you learn how independent structures within cells and between cells operate, you’ll understand that all of these independent yet smoothly interacting components cannot have happened by evolutionary chance.  Each component would have had to randomly evolve in synchronicity with each other to validate its worth and be “accepted” by evolution.  It is mathematically impossible!


Just ONE Cell!



The earth is in a very precise orbit which allows life here. The moon also is part of our system, controlling tides as it orbits earth.  We spin.  The moon doesn’t.  How does that happen if everything comes out of a swirling mass?  Did the moon just independently decide to put on the brakes against that momentum or did Someone decide this system works better with a non-revolving moon?Water

Speaking of tides, water is a miracle in itself. Why is it that everything in the universe contracts when cold and expands when hot…except water?  Why would there be one substance in all of creation that behaves contrarily to every other type of matter in existence?  If it didn’t have these and other properties, life on earth would be impossible.

WaterUnversalSolventWater is often called the Universal Solvent; H2O. That’s one oxygen molecule with two hydrogen molecules.  They bond together in such a way that one end of a water molecule has a negative charge, the other end a positive charge.  Water is essentially positive and negative, enabling it to latch onto almost anything.


Planet-Wide Sprinkler System


But water is so common we take it for granted in the grand scheme of things. It is the “oil” to the “engine” of earth.  It’s what keeps the planet alive.  Only a very special substance can do that!  We simply fail to see it, because we’re so used to it!

Our cells, us, earth, our solar system, and the universe are so complex that it cannot have happened by chance. These are God’s fingerprints all around us!  That is why we are without excuse if, in light of creation, we refuse to recognize those prints and choose the lies of men and their Father of Lies, Satan.

Free yourself from believing the lies of the ruler of this world, the Devil. Don’t listen to them, listen to God!  Listen to what His creation is telling all of us; there is a Designer, an Originator of all that exists.

See my recent article Evolution and the Geologic Record for some more info and insight into Creation and the evidence that surrounds us.

Just take a real, hard look at the facts for yourself and see if what the evolutionists are telling you really does make sense or not.

Take look at the world around you, at all of God’s finger prints all over Creation.  How could all that we are and live in be a cosmic accident?

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