Quote for 10/12/2019

…His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue…   2 Peter 1:3


Complete. That’s the word that helps describe Jesus. He’s completely self-sufficient and entirely supportive. Peter is telling us that we have not obtained anything Godly on our own. It is strictly Jesus’ divine power that tells us everything we know about life and pleasing God.

And just what is everything we need to know? Jesus! And what do we need to know about Jesus? Let’s make a list of some signal items:

LOVE – Apply that to God as well as our neighbors. All of ‘em. We know He walked the talk, because He came to sacrifice Himself for us. John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

OBEDIANCE – Do what God says. No questions. He’s a lot smarter than we are, so we need to shut up and listen up. Jesus allowed himself to be baptized by John the Baptist although He had no personal need. He performed no miracles until it was “His hour” to do so…per God the Father. He died on a cross out of obedience to the Father and love for us.

LAW – Jesus is that perfect fulfillment of the law that we never should have needed in the first place. He was not the destroyer of the law but the Gospel answer to it!

WORD – John 1:1 tells us the in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, the Word became Jesus as a man and lived here with us. He knows us, gets us, because He lived our life.

It’s His power that teaches us, and the subject is Him!

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